Dataset: /thredds/ncss/dataset-mercator-psy4v3-gl12-bestestimate-thetao ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2024-03-20T12:00:00Z

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 650580.0 650604.0 650628.0 650652.0 650676.0 650700.0 650724.0 655116.0 655140.0 655164.0 655188.0 655212.0 655236.0 655260.0 655284.0 655308.0 655332.0 655356.0 655380.0 655404.0 655428.0 655452.0 655476.0 655500.0 655524.0 655548.0 655572.0 655596.0 655620.0 655644.0 655668.0 655692.0 655716.0 655740.0 655764.0 655788.0 655812.0 655836.0 655860.0 655884.0 hours since 1950-01-01 00:00:00
with Vertical Levels ( depth ) : 0.49402499198913574 1.5413750410079956 2.6456689834594727 3.8194949626922607 5.078224182128906 6.440614223480225 7.92956018447876 9.572997093200684 11.404999732971191 13.467140197753906 15.810070037841797 18.495559692382812 21.598819732666016 25.211410522460938 29.444730758666992 34.43415069580078 40.344051361083984 47.37369155883789 55.76428985595703 65.80726623535156 77.85385131835938 92.3260726928711 109.72930145263672 130.66600036621094 155.85069274902344 186.12559509277344 222.47520446777344 266.0403137207031 318.1274108886719 380.2130126953125 453.9377136230469 541.0889282226562 643.5667724609375 763.3331298828125 902.3392944335938 1062.43994140625 1245.291015625 1452.2509765625 1684.2840576171875 1941.8929443359375 2225.077880859375 2533.3359375 2865.702880859375 3220.820068359375 3597.031982421875 3992.48388671875 4405.22412109375 4833.291015625 5274.7841796875 5727.9169921875 m
thetao = Temperature

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west east

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