Dataset: /thredds/ncss/dataset-wavewatch3-global-30min-bestestimate ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2024-11-21T00:00:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

MAPSTA = status map

Variables with Time coordinate time

cge = wave energy flux
cha = charnock coefficient for surface roughness length for momentum in air
dir = wave mean direction
dp = peak direction
dpt = depth
faw = wind to wave energy flux
foc = wave to ocean energy flux
fp = wave peak frequency
hs = significant height of wind and swell waves
ice = sea ice area fraction
lm = mean wave length
mssc = crosswave mean square slope
mssd = u direction for mss
mssu = downwave mean square slope
pdir0 = wave mean direction partition 0
pdir1 = wave mean direction partition 1
pdir2 = wave mean direction partition 2
pdir3 = wave mean direction partition 3
pdir4 = wave mean direction partition 4
pdir5 = wave mean direction partition 5
phs0 = wave significant height partition 0
phs1 = wave significant height partition 1
phs2 = wave significant height partition 2
phs3 = wave significant height partition 3
phs4 = wave significant height partition 4
phs5 = wave significant height partition 5
plp0 = peak wave length partition 0
plp1 = peak wave length partition 1
plp2 = peak wave length partition 2
plp3 = peak wave length partition 3
plp4 = peak wave length partition 4
plp5 = peak wave length partition 5
pspr0 = directional spread partition 0
pspr1 = directional spread partition 1
pspr2 = directional spread partition 2
pspr3 = directional spread partition 3
pspr4 = directional spread partition 4
pspr5 = directional spread partition 5
ptp0 = peak period partition 0
ptp1 = peak period partition 1
ptp2 = peak period partition 2
ptp3 = peak period partition 3
ptp4 = peak period partition 4
ptp5 = peak period partition 5
pws0 = wind sea fraction in partition 0
pws1 = wind sea fraction in partition 1
pws2 = wind sea fraction in partition 2
pws3 = wind sea fraction in partition 3
pws4 = wind sea fraction in partition 4
pws5 = wind sea fraction in partition 5
spr = directional spread
t01 = mean period T01
t02 = mean period T02
tws = wind sea fraction
uabr = rms of bottom displacement amplitude zonal
ucur = eastward current
utaw = eastward wave supported wind stress
utus = eastward stokes transport
utwa = eastward wave to wind stress
utwo = eastward wave to ocean stress
uubr = rms of bottom velocity amplitude zonal
uuss = eastward surface stokes drift
uust = eastward friction velocity
uwnd = eastward_wind
vabr = rms of bottom displacement amplitude meridional
vcur = northward current
vtaw = northward wave supported wind stress
vtus = northward stokes transport
vtwa = northward wave to wind stress
vtwo = northward wave to ocean stress
vubr = rms of bottom velocity amplitude meridional
vuss = northward surface stokes drift
vust = northward friction velocity
vwnd = northward_wind
wcc = whitecap coverage

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


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